FM4442 is memory card has 256x8 Bits EEPROM with write protect function and programmable security code. With its contact configuration in accordance to ISO 7816 standard (synchronous transmission), FM4442 can be widely used in different types of IC memory cards.
1 Features
- l 256x8-bits EEPROM organization
- l 32x1-bit organization of protection memory
- l Data can only be changed after entry of the correct 3-byte programmable security code (security memory)
- l Temperature range:0℃~70℃
- l Write durance: at least 100,000 times
- l Data retention: at least 10 years
2 Data Zone Diagram
3 Notes
a. Each of the first 32 bytes can be irreversibly protected against data change by writing the corresponding bit in the protection memory. Each data byte in this address range is assigned to one bit of the protection memory and has the same address as the data byte in the main memory which it is assigned to. Once written, the protection bit cannot be erased (PROM).
b. Before verifying keys, all data can be read. If necessary, data can be encrypted. After verifying keys, data can be written or edited.
c. The 3-byte programmable security code can be changed after verifying keys.
d. Byte address 21-26 is user code. For bulk order customers, our factory can customize a unique code globally for them. (They are not changed afterwards.)
e. Byte address 0-5, 6-7 is written by the manufacture and the data can not be changed.
f. Key words zone are in other address and they are not in the byte range of 0-256.