UHF Reader Writer Series
UHF Reader Writer S9-WRD-130-U1
UHF Reader Writer S9-WRD-130-U1
- UHF Reader Writer S9-WRD-130-U1
- Image/Video

The S9-WRD-130-U1 ultra-high frequency reader is a dual-mode device with active and passive modes. The active mode reads the EPC serial number of the chip under the ISO 18000-6C standard protocol and outputs it at the computer cursor (with carriage return and line break). The passive mode allows the system integrator to independently call functional functions for secondary development and application projects. The connection with PC and related devices is achieved through a USB port, which adopts plug and play technology without a drive, making it convenient for users to install and use. The accompanying CD provides development packages and routines for various development platforms, and the accompanying demonstration program realizes all functions such as accessing UHF chip labels or cards.